DR VERNON COLEMAN Cómo y cuándo los médicos aprendieron a matar y cómo los médicos de hoy están matando a sus pacientes...
Tomado del nuevo libro de Vernon Coleman "Truth Teller: The Price" y más...
Octubre de 2023 Dr Vernon Coleman
Cómo y cuándo los médicos aprendieron a matar
Dr. Vernon Coleman
El siguiente ensayo está tomado del nuevo libro de Vernon Coleman "Truth Teller: The Price".
Sospecho que todavía hay muchas personas que, aunque conscientes de que la llamada pandemia fue falsa, y que son conscientes de que todo el fraude del covid-19 fue parte de algo mucho más grande (un complot complejo y de larga data que describí en mi libro Su aterrador plan) no son conscientes de que lo que está sucediendo ahora ya se ha intentado antes, aunque, hay que reconocerlo, en menor escala.
Para entender cómo, cuándo y por qué debemos retroceder a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
En general, se supone erróneamente que Adolf Hitler ideó la ideología asesina por la que ahora se le recuerda más: la matanza implacable de millones de hombres, mujeres y niños que eran considerados demasiado imperfectos (en algún sentido crítico) para que se les permitiera hacerlo. vivir.
Pero la idea de la esterilización masiva, que se transformó en genocidio, no se originó en Hitler ni en ninguno de los principales miembros del Partido Nacionalsocialista.
La idea de convertir la teoría eugenésica en una misión práctica para purificar la raza alemana surgió de la profesión médica.
Me temo que fueron los médicos quienes tuvieron la idea de eliminar a los débiles de la sociedad, ya fueran discapacitados físicos o mentales o de una religión “equivocada”. La “limpieza” del pueblo alemán no fue originaria ni principalmente un programa nazi y no fue simple antisemitismo. (La expulsión de judíos y gitanos fue sólo una parte del proceso de purificación).
Fueron los médicos quienes alentaron a los nazis a considerar la enfermedad como un problema puramente social y no como resultado de influencias externas como las infecciones, y fueron los médicos alemanes quienes promovieron una versión temprana y particularmente tóxica del crédito social. Aquellos que promovían el programa de eugenesia alemán no simplemente mataban a personas por no marchar en la dirección correcta, hacer los saludos correctos y cantar las canciones apropiadas (todos atributos que, parecían sugerir, implicarían una vida larga y saludable), sino que También optó por matar a cualquiera que no les pareciera aceptable. Cualquiera que pensaran que parecía "raro" o "feo" sería asesinado, ya que si se metía en las camas equivocadas podría poner en peligro la pureza de la especie.
(No hay poca ironía en el hecho de que los médicos alemanes responsables de esta forma tan particular de genocidio no se veían exactamente guapos o entrañables. La mayoría de ellos parecían versiones feas y aterradoras de los malos exagerados de una película de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Podéis ver fotos de algunos de los médicos en el excelente pero escalofriante documental titulado 'Acción T4: Un médico bajo el nazismo').
Y lo que es aterrador es que lo que ocurrió en Alemania en los años 1920 y 1930 está sucediendo ahora en todo el mundo.
Los globalistas, ayudados e instigados por la profesión médica, están decididos a librar al mundo de los ancianos, los discapacitados, los débiles y los enfermos mentales. Y lo están haciendo de manera más eficiente, más despiadada y más efectiva que los médicos alemanes que llevaron a Hitler y a los nazis a su programa de genocidio.
En 1933, en Alemania, los nazis introdujeron una Ley para la prevención de enfermedades hereditarias en la descendencia. La ley establecía que cualquier persona sería considerada hereditaria si padecía alguna de las siguientes enfermedades: deficiencia mental congénita, esquizofrenia, locura maníaco-depresiva, epilepsia hereditaria, corea hereditaria (Huntington), ceguera hereditaria, sordera hereditaria y cualquier deformidad hereditaria grave. También se decidió que cualquier persona que padeciera un alcoholismo grave también podría quedar incapaz de procrear.
Decidir matar a mucha gente era una cosa, por supuesto. Llevar la matanza a la práctica era otra cosa y en Alemania, antes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los médicos que habían estado profundamente influenciados por los principios de la eugenesia pasaban mucho tiempo tratando de encontrar la mejor manera de deshacerse de los discapacitados, los ancianos y los débiles, y trabajaron duro para tratar de encontrar una solución que pudieran "vender" a Hitler, al resto de la profesión médica, a la nación en su conjunto y, sobre todo, a ellos mismos.
Los médicos detrás de la matanza masiva querían una respuesta médica moralista a lo que consideraban una enorme amenaza: la existencia de personas a quienes consideraban un lastre para la sociedad; gente que tomó en lugar de dar; personas que dependían de otros y cuyo mantenimiento con vida costaba mucho.
Muchas personas (especialmente los ancianos y los enfermos) murieron de hambre. (Este sencillo procedimiento ha seguido siendo popular en todo el mundo durante algunas décadas. Visite cualquier hospital moderno y verá pacientes ancianos morir de hambre.) Al final decidieron usar gas monóxido de carbono para matar a sus "pacientes", pero para para guardar las apariencias, ocultar lo que hacían y, tal vez, para apaciguar lo que quedaba de conciencia, fingieron que las cámaras de gas eran parte de un proceso de tratamiento.
(Esta filosofía egoísta se siguió cuando se introdujo el mortal programa de vacunación contra el covid-19. Los médicos fingieron que la vacuna estaba diseñada para brindar protección contra una enfermedad mortal, aunque la evidencia muestra que el producto parece haber sido diseñado no para proteger o curar sino matar.)
Las cámaras de gas fueron diseñadas originalmente no como las infames duchas sino como “salas de inhalación” donde los pacientes podían inhalar lo que les decían que era un gas “medicinal” para su salud. Se instalaron salas de tratamiento especiales donde se podía llevar a los “pacientes” en tren y autobús para ser “tratados”.
Inmediatamente después de su “tratamiento”, los cuerpos de los pacientes asesinados serían incinerados y sus cenizas arrojadas a un río cercano.
Naturalmente, los alemanes querían cubrir los costes de su empresa, por lo que quitaron los dientes de oro y enviaron el oro al Banco de Pagos Internacionales de Suiza (BIS). Luego, el BIS entregó el dinero a los nazis. Los médicos también extrajeron los cerebros de los cadáveres y se los entregaron a un neurólogo para que jugara con ellos. Utilizo las palabras "jugar con" deliberadamente ya que la "investigación" que se realizó no produjo resultados útiles.
Finalmente, los despiadados alemanes tuvieron otro truco para hacer dinero. Fingían que sus “pacientes” seguían vivos para poder reclamar al Estado o a sus familiares el coste de su atención médica. Los médicos y burócratas a cargo de la matanza calcularon con orgullo cuánto dinero estaban ahorrando a Alemania matando a personas que consumían en lugar de producir.
Vale la pena señalar que los médicos que trabajaban en este inusual campo de la medicina estaban muy bien pagados y unas décadas más tarde, cuando se introdujo la vacuna contra el covid-19, los médicos que aceptaron inyectar a sus pacientes el producto experimental no probado también fueron extremadamente bien pagados por sus esfuerzos: se les pagó mucho más por vacuna que por otras vacunas.
Esta búsqueda despiadada de la pureza racial llevó a los médicos a buscar formas de erradicar a todos aquellos –como judíos y gitanos– a quienes consideraban un peligro para la pureza de la raza aria. Esta fue, casi con certeza, la primera vez en la historia que los médicos planearon a sangre fría matar a sus pacientes, y parece que incluso el alto mando nazi debe haberse sorprendido porque en un momento, Hitler se distanció deliberadamente del programa (originalmente llamado T4 y más tarde conocido con el nombre clave 14F15.). Incluso él probablemente estaba alarmado por lo que estaban haciendo los médicos (o tal vez simplemente estaba alarmado por las consecuencias de lo que estaba haciendo en las relaciones públicas).
¿Por qué compré esto? ¿Por qué escribo sobre esto ahora?
La respuesta es que los médicos de todo el mundo están haciendo ahora exactamente lo que hacían los médicos alemanes en la Alemania nazi. La única diferencia es que lo están haciendo de manera más eficiente, con más sangre fría y en una escala mucho mayor. El plan esta vez no es matar a unos cuantos millones de personas, matándolas con gas, sino utilizar una amplia variedad de métodos para matar a varios miles de millones en masa. Los médicos alemanes que conmocionaron incluso a Hitler con su crueldad estarían emocionados y encantados con las actividades de la profesión médica mundial en la actualidad.
Vale la pena señalar que en los juicios de Nuremberg, los médicos fueron declarados culpables de crímenes de guerra si experimentaban con pacientes sin pedir ni obtener su permiso. Dado que la vacuna contra el covid-19 era y es experimental, todos los médicos que administraron la vacuna sin decirles a sus pacientes que la vacuna era experimental y luego obtener debidamente su permiso, fueron y son culpables de crímenes de guerra.
Tomado de Truth Teller: The Price, ahora disponible en edición de bolsillo. Haga clic aquí para comprar una copia.
Mañana, Vernon Coleman enumera las diez formas en que los médicos emulan a los nazis y matan a inocentes.
Copyright Vernon Coleman Octubre de 2023
How Today’s Doctors Are Killing their Patients
Dr Vernon Coleman
The following essay is taken from Vernon Coleman’s new book `Truth Teller: The Price’.
Here are some of the ways in which modern doctors have turned themselves into ruthless killing machines.
First, doctors introduced something called the Liverpool Care Pathway – a misnamed programme if ever there was one. The Liverpool Care Pathway doesn’t have anything to do with ‘care’. It is an officially approved programme which encourages doctors to kill their patients by denying them food and water. Patients (usually elderly) are literally starved to death. It sounds too awful to be true but you can check it out if you don’t believe me. The fake pandemic which started in 2020 proved beyond question that governments everywhere want to kill their elderly citizens. In the UK, the Government actually boasted about the amount of money it was saving because of the number of elderly pensioners who had died (or, more accurately, ‘exterminated’).
Second, the global programme of medically approved lockdowns (whereby people were locked in their homes and the elderly were kept confined in care homes, without being allowed any visitors) made it very easy for doctors to kill the elderly. The officially approved plan was to allow doctors to get rid of the elderly in care homes. The absence of visitors made this exceptionally easy.
Third, BMA doctors announced that the profession should cut back on diagnosing and treating patients in order to reduce the ‘carbon footprint of health care’. Absurdly, it was announced by senior figures within the medical establishment that doctors were helping patients too much and should cut back. There was even a suggestion that less anaesthetic should be used during surgery to save the planet from global warming (a pseudo-scientific phenomenon which has never been proven to exist and which is questioned by the majority of thinking scientists). The official excuse (and there is always an excuse) is that ‘over-diagnosis is increasing the carbon footprint of health care’. Cutting back on patient care means that in the UK, doctors working in general practice now work an average 20-25 hours a week and the vast majority refuse to provide night time or weekend cover for their patients. Many doctors in general practice refuse to see patients at all on the bizarre and entirely self-serving grounds that if they see patients face to face they might catch an infection from them. The result is that most people who fall ill try to get themselves to the nearest Accident and Emergency department in a local hospital, where they may well wait a day or even more to be seen and treated. The ambulance service cannot cope with demands and patients have been known to wait 10 or 12 hours or even more for an ambulance to collect them. Moreover, to make things even worse, the British Medical Association (a trade union which represented doctors’ financial interests and which I have for decades described as the patients’ enemy) has instigated a number of strikes with doctors demanding a pay rise of 35% (or even more) even though the striking doctors must have known that such a pay rise could not possibly be paid. The result of the strikes is that in the summer of 2023, most of the patients dying in Britain were on waiting lists for essential treatment, and waiting lists were so long that it was recognised that most patients would probably die long before they were seen by a doctor. (Hospitals were having to pay striking doctors £7,900 per shift to stand in for themselves.) It seems to me that the BMA is determined to destroy the NHS, destroy health care in the UK, bring down the Government, kill as many people as possible and take the entire country, screaming or not, into the Great Reset. (Health care in all countries is now a very bureaucratic business, and I can think of a dozen ways in which doctors could go on strike and cause problems for the Government without affecting patients directly.) In autumn 2023, the leader of the Liberal Democrats promised that if his party gained power (not very likely it has be said) then they would guarantee that anyone referred for cancer treatment would be seen in two months. Putting aside the fact that a promise of an appointment within two months is scandalously unambitious for a patient with cancer, the Liberal Democrats don’t seem aware that hospitals are very skilled at getting round targets. Patients will doubtless be ‘seen’ within two months, but when will their tests or treatment start? And will the person who ‘sees’ them merely be a receptionist? (Even those patients who were lucky enough to get into a hospital weren’t all that well off. One poor woman felt so neglected that she had to resort to ringing 999 from her hospital bed.)
Fourth, doctors and nurses were widely reported to be encouraging patients to accept ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ notices on their medical records. Patients were told that resuscitation could be a painful procedure and that it might be better for them if they were merely allowed to die, rather than being saved. Nurses as well as doctors were allowed to ‘sell’ this idea to patients, and the individuals whose records were marked with DNR notices included young mentally ill and disabled patients. Men and women with Down ’s syndrome have been widely labelled with DNR notices. (I am surprised that campaigners, charities and parents haven’t complained more about what is happening. Maybe they have campaigned but have no voice. Heaven knows, it has been nigh on impossible for anyone questioning the globalists and their agenda to obtain any media coverage.)
Fifth, doctors all around the world agreed to give their patients an untested, experimental product which had been proved to do far more harm than good. The doctors giving the covid-19 vaccine were paid huge sums of money (far more than was usually paid for vaccination programmes) and so most ignored their ethical responsibilities and went along with the instructions which they were given by politicians and drug companies. Doctors who attempted to question the safety, efficacy or need for the covid-19 vaccination programme were demonised, monstered and attacked mercilessly. Most doctors who questioned the official line were described as ‘conspiracy theorists’ with some having the word ‘discredited’ as a bonus. (There is no little irony in the fact that some of the doctors who were openly critical of the truth-tellers have woken up, are speaking out and are now finding out how painful and damaging it can be to tell the truth in a time of suppression.) The evidence strongly suggests to me that the covid-19 vaccine was designed, marketed and given in order to kill rather than protect. Apart from the short-term dangers of the covid-19 jab (myocarditis, heart disease, blood clots and neurological problems for example) there is little doubt that the mRNA vaccine does massive harm to the immune system of patients. There are also serious questions about the long-term effect of the vaccine on the fertility of both female and male patients. And, as I showed in a video early on in the campaign to vaccinate everyone, there is evidence that the covid-19 vaccine may have a dramatic and damaging effect on the human brain. Doctors who were getting very rich allowed themselves to accept the lies they were told in order to excuse their crimes against humanity. And most doctors completely closed their minds to all the evidence. I spoke to one medical consultant who argued vehemently that covid-19 had killed millions of people and that the death rate in the UK had increased massively because of covid-19. He was so committed to the myth that he steadfastly refused to change his mind even when I pointed out that the Government’s own figures proved him quite wrong.
Sixth, it has become routine in hospitals and care homes for doctors to ‘treat’ patients who are elderly, frail or in need of medical and nursing support with a ‘kill shot’ consisting of a lethal mixture of morphine and a benzodiazepine tranquilliser. Since staff now do not have to ask permission before giving tranquillisers to elderly patients, the ‘kill shot’ can be administered to patients quite freely. It is the modern equivalent of the gas chamber, and no amount of protesting from the medical establishment will change this fact of life (or should that be ‘fact of death’).
Seventh, medically backed and promoted euthanasia has become a global phenomenon. In numerous countries around the world, euthanasia programmes have been introduced in order to eliminate the elderly and the sick by encouraging them to end their lives. (Life, it seems, is imitating art for in 1953, Evelyn Waugh wrote a novel called Love Among the Ruins in which he described a state-run euthanasia centre.) In Trudeau’s Canada, the Government has introduced a very forceful euthanasia programme called ‘medical assistance in dying’. There were 13,000 state sanctioned ‘suicides’ in Canada in 2022 and that country is now deciding whether to allow children and the mentally ill to kill themselves. Please read that sentence again. In Canada, euthanasia was introduced several years ago and is proving very popular with doctors, bureaucrats and politicians. A woman in Canada was recently offered a place on her nation’s euthanasia programme because of the delay involved in having a stair lift fitted in her home. It was also reported that a Canadian man who was facing eviction from social housing had been accepted onto the country’s euthanasia program. CBC reported that medically assisted deaths could save millions in health care spending, and it was estimated that the savings ‘exceedingly outweigh the estimated $1.5 million to $14.8 million in direct costs associated with implementing medically assisted dying’. The report judged that doctor-assisted death could reduce annual health care spending across Canada by between $34.7 million and $136.8 million. (Just how can anyone take a report seriously when the figures are so vague?) In the Netherlands, healthy individuals with autism are allowed the option of euthanasia, and Australia is deciding whether to let children as young as 14 kill themselves (or allow someone to do it for them). Today, euthanasia is legal in Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Columbia and parts of Australia. Globally, there is a state sanctioned epidemic of euthanasia as governments follow instructions from the conspirators and encourage more and more people to commit suicide.
Eighth, doctors are enthusiastically giving a live but attenuated flu vaccine to children. It is important to remember that although attenuated, the virus in these vaccines can become live. It is very possible, therefore, that children will transmit the infection to elderly relatives whose immune systems have been severely damaged by the covid-19 vaccinations they have been given. (Not a few elderly individuals have been given six covid-19 vaccinations – at great profit to their doctors.)
Ninth, during the early days of the fake covid pandemic, autopsies were halted. Allegedly, this was done to protect pathologists who might otherwise be at risk of catching the flu from their dead patients. It was done to hide the fact that people who had allegedly died of covid had in truth died of something else. It was also done to create more fear and to enhance the lie that we were facing a deadly plague. (The risk was surely very slight since the flu is usually spread by coughing or sneezing and it is rare, even in these strange days, for dead patients to do much coughing or sneezing.)
Tenth, the United Nations has for some years now excluded the over 70-year-olds from its health statistics. Doctors can now kill as many over 70s as they like without any risk that their country’s health care will be downgraded.
It is worth remembering that Nazi doctors pretended that they were ‘helping’ or ‘treating’ their patients when they gassed them. Today, doctors have done exactly the same thing. It is frightening to realise how many doctors do not realise how far down the slippery path they have already travelled. It’s an easy route to take. Before they knew what they were doing, German doctors were opening the valves and killing people a score or more at a time. Today, doctors around the world happily endorsed, promoted and gave a toxic experimental drug which did not do what it was said to do but which did kill people.
The end result is that doctors today have compromised or abandoned their professional and personal responsibilities and have become members of a conspiracy, a cabal of murderous scientists. The best that can be said in their defence is that many are merely ignorant and are simply taking the money they are offered without asking any inconvenient questions.
The excuse they offer, that they are simply doing what they have been told to do by their government, is frighteningly reminiscent of the excuse offered by doctors (and others) who worked in the Nazi death camps.
Anyone who knows, or even suspects, what is going on but does not say anything is as guilty of the crimes being committed as the apologists and collaborators were in Nazi Germany.
I would argue that what is happening today is more blatant, more redolent of evil, than anything that happened in Germany in the 1940s.
These are the darkest of dark times.
And, of course, those telling the truth continue to be censored, banned and demonised.
Taken from `Truth Teller: The Price’ - Vernon Coleman’s most recent, most personal and final book on covid-19, the covid vaccine and the Great Reset.
Copyright Vernon Coleman October 2023