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Unacceptable Jessica
99.7% of adverse events reported in the context of expired products are NOT serious
I decided to put my poor article of redox shifts and COVID on hold one more time to write this latest tidbit up. I think it’s really important. I am preparing a presentation for a Public Hearing in Brazil on the 10th of August (I will be presenting remotely), and one of my slides includes the absolute counts of reports from VAERS for the people who repo…
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The Forgotten Side of Medicine
How Did We Know That the COVID-19 Vaccines Would Decimate Global Fertility?
When I started this Substack, my goal was to draw attention to the things with the vaccines I felt would create significant problems in the future if something was not done about them. One of the initial topics I decided to cover (on April 2nd 2022) was the history of elitist population control initiatives because I saw a lot of different signs that re…
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The Defeat Of COVID
Is it possible to avoid heart damage from the COVID vaccine? Or do all COVID-vaccinated people have some myocarditis?
The following peer-reviewed paper may be found at Primary Doctor Medical Journal. Abstract This paper addresses the question of prevalence of COVID vaccine-associated myocarditis, as well as known mechanisms of spike protein-induced myocarditis, considering the epidemiological consequences of mass vaccination with spike protein-generating COVID vaccines, …
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The FLCCC Alliance Community
Vitamin D: Nature’s Sunkissed Superhero
Vitamin D is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin." It is a vital fat-soluble nutrient that plays a significant role in maintaining overall health and well-being. It is unique among vitamins because it can be synthesized by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight…
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Who is Robert Malone
It's Evil to Fake Deaths to Panic People...
Senator Gerard Rennick is an Australian politician, who is in the Liberal National Party of Queensland since July 2019. He wrote the following on this webpage: We are all used to the Government lying but in my view this has to be one of the biggest lies of all…
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Dystopian Down Under
Australian GP sues Pfizer and Moderna over unapproved GMOs in mRNA Covid vaccines
A Victorian doctor and pharmacist is seeking an injunction from the Federal Court of Australia to stop Pfizer and Moderna from distributing their mRNA Covid vaccines. Dr Julian Fidge alleges that both the monovalent and bivalent vaccines contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), for which Pfizer and Moderna did not obtain the appropriate licence…
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Unreported Truths
mRNA Covid jabs have caused silent heart damage to tens of millions of people, a shocking new study suggests
A dose of Moderna’s Covid jab injured the hearts of about 3 percent of people who received it, Swiss researchers have found. The vaccinated people did not show obvious signs of heart damage. But when researchers ran blood tests three days after the jabs, they found high levels of troponin, a protein the heart releases when it is injured, in many recipien…
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James Roguski
Mark Sexton, a retired police constable, has been calling for official police investigations into multiple crimes against humanity for many, many months. Philip Hyland and Mark Sexton have filed a claim that is explained in the video and is detailed and made available below…
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Nepetalactone Newsletter
SV40 discussion with Dr. Peter McCullough
By now you have probably seen various news outfits build and destroy the straw man argument: “The SV40 virus is NOT in the vaccine!”.Nepetalactone Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber…
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Due Diligence and Art
mRNA/Gene Therapy Technology: Futile, Deadly, but Hugely Profitable - Part 2
Continued from Part 1. Futile but hugely profitable is the nature of the scam with “orphan drugs” for “rare genetic conditions”. There is great interest in it from the highest ranks at the FDA. Peter Marks, Director of CBER FDA, recently overrode reviewers’ call to reject Sarepta’s new Duchenne gene therapy…
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Due Diligence and Art
Breaking News: Finally The Truth is Spoken in Congress...
Senator Malcolm Roberts speaks the truth (click the link to watch on Twitter): Update to post: transcript of the speech here. Text of his tweet:Due Diligence and Art is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber…
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Steve Kirsch's newsletter
The more early childhood vaccines, the higher the infant death rate
Yet another study confirms what we knew for over a decade: the more shots, the higher the infant mortality rate. The paper: Neonatal, Infant, and Under Age Five Vaccine Doses Routinely Given in Developed Nations and Their Association With Mortality Rates…
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2nd Smartest Guy in the World
ADDENDUM -- BREAKING HORRIFIC UPDATE: HIV-Infected Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 "Vaccines" -- The Human Genome is Permanently Altered
There is a terrifying addendum to Friday’s article: This Substack wrote that the highly carcinogenic simian virus 40 (SV40) is present in all of the DEATHVAX™ offerings, but that is not exactly correct. It is actually far worse than that. It is not the entire SV40 virus that is “contaminating” these slow kill bioweapon “vaccines;” but, rather, a modified…
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Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators
Department of Defense and BARDA Call the Shots on the ‘COVID Vaccines’
Sasha Latypova, a retired expert and consultant with the pharmaceutical industry, has become a most profound investigator of what has been the collaboration of the Department of Defense (DoD), Moderna, Pfizer, and ultimately what we call the organized global predators…
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COVIDsteria + Tales From the Great Reset
VACCINEsteria: Best Athletes Having Coincidences Memes (Sudden & Mysterious!)
We have already done one post about a famous athlete having a coincidence: But there has been another coincidence involving someone famous…
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Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
The Very Best of Cheap Trick.....
Our team first exposed the practice of deliberate miscategorisation of vaccine status on December 3rd, 2021, in a tweet that got 3 million impressions…
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Dead Man Talking
"Sweden can’t explain away the fact that its lax coronavirus approach is killing people"
Back in 2020, it was an all-too-familiar headline in the lame-stream media - Sweden’s lax policies were killing its citizens. Anyone who dared to exposed the truth, by making appropriate comparison using sensible metrics, was vilified. “Look how much better their Scandinavian neighbours are doing!”, the ignorant NPCs cried…
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Dystopian Down Under
All-cause mortality started trending upwards with vax rollout, not Covid, report finds
Prior to the pandemic, Australians were living longer, with death rates amongst older Australians trending downwards. But in 2021, that trendline upturned, and Australia started chalking up excess mortality at rates not seen since WWII. When exactly did the mortality trend change, and why…
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Who is Robert Malone
COVID-19 Vaccines and Informed Consent
Were you adequately informed about the COVID-19 treatment risks and options? Were you adequately informed about the COVID-19 genetic vaccine risks? Did you have full knowledge and understanding of those risks? Did you make a decision to (or not to) voluntarily accept vaccines or medical treatment(s) for COVID-19 disease? Does your physician check in…
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Steve Kirsch's newsletter
BREAKING: Early onset dementia is being caused by the COVID vaccine (~25X increase)
Executive summary No doubt about it: the COVID vaccines are causing a very significant increase in the likelihood of people developing sudden dementia. I just got off the phone with a charge nurse at a rehab/long term elderly care facility. She’s been a nurse for 32 years and has never seen anything like this in her history…
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Vigilant News
Ed Dowd: The COVID Vax Is “The Greatest Fraud I’ve Ever Seen in My Life”
Watch now (2 mins) | “We won’t be talking about this for the next ten years. We’ll be talking about this for the next two centuries. This is going to impact everybody throughout the globe for years to come,” asserted Ed Dowd during an interview with Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog…
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Unacceptable Jessica
Returning to dsDNA contamination by diving into VAERS
Please re-read Kevin McKernan’s piece about dsDNA contamination that you can find here, published on February 16, 2023. He identified dsDNA contamination in a number of vials of COVID-19 injectable products. I covered this here and here and interviewed Kevin on this subject matter…
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Where are the numbers? by Norman Fenton and Martin Neil
Evidence of systematic fraud in Massachusetts death certificates
John Beaudoin Sr has been doing some of the most important, but under-reported data analysis work on both fraud with respect to covid death reporting and also vaccine safety. For those who don’t know him, he’s an engineer by training but also has gained a lot of legal knowledge and experience over the course of his career. During the covid lockdown he e…
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Geoff Pain PhD
Warburg Effect caused by mRNA jab Endotoxin
When I studied Biochemistry at university many moons ago, a great deal of the course covered key elements of metabolism with complicated pathways and feedback control. Later when making new organometallic compounds, some of my creations were whisked off to Cancer researchers and if they looked promising…
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Informed Choice
Excess deaths in Peru declined 14X when Ivermectin was used-increased 13X when access was restricted. Crimes against humanity!
A paper was just published (hat tip to barrister and researcher extraordinaire - Julian Gillespie, LLB, BJuris) in Cureus. Entitled COVID-19 Excess Deaths in Peru’s 25 States in 2020: Nationwide Trends, Confounding Factors, and Correlations With the Extent of Ivermectin Treatment by State…
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Resisting the Intellectual Illiteratti
Case Report Study from cardiologist shows 38% of patients with pre-existing subclinical heart failure either died or experienced dramatic worsening of their heart failure following vaccination
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Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
COVID-19 Vaccination is Primary Cause of Serious Myocarditis--NOT SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Watch now (52 mins) | By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH I agree with Joe Rogan who says Alex Jones is the most misunderstood man on earth. I had the pleasure go on his long program on the InfoWars channel early in August, 2023. This program covers in detail: 1) COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis—screening detection, diagnosis…
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Alexander COVID News-Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's Newsletter
Commercial airline pilot incapacitation and pilot death! COVID mRNA technology based gene injection vaccine-induced 'silent' myocarditis, cardiac arrest etc. Makis waxes & I ask, will one of the 13
Just one of the 13 Horsemen, just one! you have lived off the tax-payer dole all your life, can’t get a real job, inept, incompetent, inconsequential, hid behind lab cots all your life, you corrupted technocrats, so you made big money via corrupted research grants, so why not for once, just once, think of the well-being of the public…come clean! For onc…
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August 10, 2023 

Individual Family Members Are Now Bizarrely Developing 'Turbo Cancers' At The Same Time, Giving Us More Proof The Globalists Unleashed Genocidal Bioweapons Upon The World

- More Consequences Of The 'Kill Shot' As The Horsemen Of The Apocalypse Are Riding

By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

According to this new story written by Dr. William Makis MD republished over at Dr. Paul Alexander's Substack, multiple family members are now developing bizarre 'turbo cancers' at almost the exact same time as we've documented within this story, another aspect of the globalists war upon humanity that'll never see the light of day following all of the 'died suddenly' stories of young, healthy people suddenly dropping dead here in America and all across the planet following the rollout of 'the vax'

With a seemingly endless list of young and healthy people 'dying suddenly' and completely unexpectedly since the rollout of 'the vax,' that story I received in my email inbox Wednesday morning from  Dr. William Makis, MD takes the mystery of these mysterious deaths to a completely new level.

As Dr. Makis reported in that absolutely bizarre story, he has documented the almost unbelievable stories of 12 different families, consisting of 2 or 3 family members, who most likely had gotten 'vaxxed' at the same time, only to then develop 'Turbo cancers' at the same time, an occurrence that seems like it would be impossible, but instead gives us overwhelming evidence of a deadly link between the vaxxes (THAT, REMEMBER, WERE FORCED UPON AMERICANS BY TERRORISTS WITHIN THE US GOVERNMENT!) and these incredible aggressive and quickly-spreading cancers, evidence that should be enough to lead to new Nuremberg trials for all of the COVID vax pushers.

And while we certainly don't expect that anything will be done about this 'genocide' being carried out before our eyes, especially with these murderous devils now pushing Americans to 'get their new vaccines and boosters' to be available by the end of September, at least Senator Rand Paul has filed a criminal referral in Washington DC against Dr. Anthony Fauci for allegedly lying under oath about the origins of Covid-19, though with criminals in the DOJ protecting these genocidal mass murderers in the Biden administration all the way to the bank, we'd be fools to expect that referral to go anywhere.

So why, suddenly, all across America and the world, are people, often very young and healthy individuals, mysteriously 'dropping dead in clusters?'  If there truly were ANY JUSTICE AT ALL left in America, we'd be witnessing the trials, convictions and executions of people like Dr. Anthony Fauci and the 'biden crime cabal' for still pushing these 'kill shots,' yet they're still not only 'walking free' but preparing to unleash their next round of genocide upon Americans and the world.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists 'Big Tech' effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it." But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep 'speaking truth to power' because, as Orwell also reminded us, "If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." 

The story written in great detail by Dr. William Makis, MD titled "Families that inject mRNA together, develop Turbo Cancer together - 12 unbelievable stories of two or three family members developing aggressive cancer at the same time!," also republished here in full by Dr. Paul Alexander, gives us a bombshell argument that these 'vaxxes' were indeed 'death shots.' 

Breaking down 12 different stories of Americans now suffering devastating cases of 'turbo cancer' together, with one family member being diagnosed with these deadly cancers soon after another, these doctors ask "What did the '10 Horsemen of the Apocalypse' know and when did they know it?" Asking also 'did they know they were bringing death to the world yet did not care?,' if its found that these demons who launched the 'death shot' upon the world did indeed know they were carrying out genocide, new Nuremberg trials and the DEATH PENALTY for all of them is long overdue. 

Please take a look at all of these cases, with links included to the original sources and pictorial proof as well, and then try to say that this is only just some kind of crazy coincidence. An extended excerpt from this story.: 

On May 27, 2023, I wrote a substack article about multiple COVID-19 vaccinated family members, who died suddenly. 

Now, I am starting to see multiple COVID-19 vaccinated family members develop Turbo Cancers (often stage 4) and their stories are shocking and difficult to believe. 

July 18, 2023, San Juan Capistrano, CA - Parents of 3 children, Zak and Cori Salazar were both diagnosed with cancer, mom Cori with an “aggressive form of thyroid cancer” had two surgeries and dad Zak was diagnosed with aggressive Stage 4 Astrocytoma and just had surgery (click here)

July 23, 2023, Davenport, FL - Michael Ruopoli was just diagnosed with “cancer of the blood”, presumably leukemia, after developing a whole body rash while his mother is currently battling Stage IV Lung Cancer (click here)

June 29, 2023, Baraboo, WI - Three family members develop cancer! - Both of Jessica Dominguez’s parents have been battling end stage cancer, her mother fighting lung cancer last 4 years, and her father diagnosed with late stage Colon cancer in March 2023. Jessica Dominguez herself has just been diagnosed with a brain tumor! 

June 26, 2023, Brampton, ON - Daniel Siewdass and Ferria Siewdass were both diagnosed with high grade cancer, Daniel with brain cancer glioblastoma and Ferria with high grade breast cancer (triple negative). (click here)

June 26, 2023 - Brazil - 37 year old mother Heliana Barbary was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2023 and within 20 days her 18 year old daughter Emanuely was diagnosed with a rare Hodgkin’s lymphoma tumor in the lungs (click here)

June 6, 2023, Agoura Hills, CA - Julie Ranoa and her mother Janis Ranoa have both been diagnosed with breast cancer at the same time (click here)

And those cases are just a few of the cases listed, with many more examples of families going through turbo cancers together seen here. How many Americans and people all over the world are developing turbo cancers together after having been 'vaxxed' together? (ANP Update: This story of rapper 'lil Tay' dying along with her brother appears to be a hoax according to this new Page Six story!)  This many young people dying and family members simultaneously developing cancers is far too many.  

And meanwhile as all of this is going on we learn that the 'death lab' in California we reported upon back on July 31st in this story titled "'Perfect War' Waged Upon America With Infectious Agents Found At Bio Lab Near California Military Base Including Malaria, Rubella, HIV And Hepatitis - 'Just The Tip Of The Iceberg' - Over 900 Mice Found At 'Bioweapons Delight' Weaponized To Carry Diseases" that the lab, having been fully funded by the American taxpayer, was fully known about by Biden's FDA. Talk about the American taxpayers funding their own deaths and destruction. 

So with the biden crime syndicate clearly carrying out genocide upon the American people and people all across the planet, fully believing they'll get away with it and nobody will ever hold them accountable, all of the commenters on this 'Turbo Cancers in Families' story … 











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