'El arma biológica es el disparo': Diana West advierte sobre la naturaleza oscura y malvada del programa de “vacunas”contra el COVID 19
24 de septiembre de 2022
“Hay todo tipo de cosas en la caja de herramientas de la vacuna para matarte o controlarte”.
“Creo que es difícil exagerar la maldad de este programa de vacunas”, afirma Diana West en una entrevista exclusiva para RAIR Foundation USA . “Estamos gobernados por personas de oscura criminalidad”.
West, a widely syndicated columnist, former CNN contributor, best-selling author, and Yale graduate, believes that the covid-19 vaccine campaign was just one cog in a giant wheel, accelerating us towards a total loss of our freedoms as we have known them to date. “I don’t think there’s been a time in history when there have been so many dark forces pressing in on our existence, even at a microscopic level. It has been a huge education for me. I’ve been forced to learn so much about biology. Now I’m trying to proselytize the fact that the vaccine is going to kill you. It’s one thing to have an enemy try to kill you; it’s another to have people standing next to you who won’t even notice it or raise the issue and ask if there’s a problem.”
While data has shown a huge leap in excess deaths across Europe in 2022, West refers to Edward Dowd, a BlackRock whistleblower who published an analysis on deaths in the U.S. for the latter part of 2021. Dowd discovered that in the millennial cohort, those aged 25 to 45, there were 68,000 more deaths than expected. For the boomers, those over 65, that figure was 300,000. “This was a Vietnam War event for the millennial generation over those ten months,” says West. “And for the boomers, this was a WW11-sized event.”
West acknowledges that these deaths may not all be due to vaccination – it could be suicide, drug overdose, or bad medical care – but what we are seeing is death on a major scale, like a major war. “And people just won’t acknowledge it,” she says. “The thing that makes me despair is how hard it is to get our fellow men to question it. For the most part, in terms of political discourse and major media coverage in the public square, there’s silence. But I know a lot of people who have learned the hard way, meaning they were harmed by the shot.”
For those who question not only the experimental vaccines but the whole covid-19 story, West sees several lines of explanation. Some still see it as the story of a pandemic that originated in a lab in Wuhan, “but that’s not as important as what our governors were doing, our local authorities and public health, as far as destroying our lives. Wuhan wasn’t doing that; we were doing that from the inside,” notes West. Then there are those who don’t focus on covid but who nonetheless understand it as something extremely dangerous. “The bioweapon IS the shot. And the fact that it is still being promoted for our children is overwhelmingly dark.”
West also suggests that the whole covid play has been a ploy to destroy the nation-state. “It’s a way to eliminate independent thinkers, those who don’t want to take the shot, and they are therefore excluded from the military and law enforcement. It will ensure you have a compliant and vaxxed force.”
Scientists with La Quinta Columna, a Spanish research group, have been focusing on the presence of graphene in the vaccine concoctions. “They see the vaccination as a means to create circuitry in the body, as a way to hook up the body to the internet to be activated by 5G systems,” explains West. “There are all kinds of things in the vaccine toolbox to kill or control you.”
CDC expuesto: la 'vacuna' de Pfizer penetra en las células hepáticas y se convierte en ADN
3 de marzo de 2022
El ARNm de la "vacuna" que se convierte en ADN y se encuentra dentro del núcleo de la célula es algo que los CDC dijeron que no sucedería.
Según investigadores suecos de la Universidad de Lund, el ARN mensajero de la "vacuna" Covid de Pfizer puede ingresar a las células del hígado humano y se convierte en ADN. Es precisamente lo que los expertos en salud y los verificadores de datos dijeron durante más de un año que no podía ocurrir.
El ARNm se convierte en ADN tan pronto como seis horas después de la exposición a la vacuna.
Según el estudio publicado en la edición actual de la revista Molecular Biology , los investigadores encontraron que cuando la "vacuna" de ARNm ingresa a las células hepáticas humanas, activa el ADN de la célula, que se encuentra dentro del núcleo, para aumentar la producción de LINE-1. expresión génica para producir ARNm.
La vacuna penetra en el núcleo celular, algo que, según los CDC, no sucedería. “El material genético que transfieren las vacunas de ARNm nunca llega al núcleo de sus células”, escribe la agencia en su sitio web .
Los CDC y los 'verificadores de hechos' mintieron
Esta es la primera vez que los investigadores demuestran in vitro, en una placa de Petri, que una vacuna de ARNm se convierte en ADN en una línea celular de hígado humano. Los expertos y los verificadores de hechos han argumentado durante más de un año que esto era imposible.
The CDC assures Americans that the mRNA and the spike protein it produces in Covid vaccines to create an immune response “don’t last long in the body.” On its website, the agency states: “Our cells break down mRNA and get rid of it within a few days after vaccination. Scientists estimate that the spike protein, like other proteins our bodies create, may stay in the body up to a few weeks.”
The CDC claims that “corona vaccines don’t change your DNA in any way” and that all ingredients of the corona vaccines leave the body after the production of antibodies. Furthermore, on the webpage titled “Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines,” they claimed, “the genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells.”
Pfizer has not commented on the Swedish study, saying only that its mRNA vaccine “does not alter the human genome.” “Our corona vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell,” a spokesperson for the vaccine maker told The Epoch Times.
Autoimmune Hepatitis
The Swedish researchers also found that spike proteins produced on the surface of liver cells may be attacked by the immune system and cause autoimmune hepatitis.
Some people have been diagnosed with this condition after the Pfizer vaccine. For example, a healthy 35-year-old woman was diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis one week after her first injection.
Huge Implications
It was assumed that the spike protein would be produced mainly around the puncture site, but studies show that this is not the case. Instead, based on experiments performed on rats, part of the mRNA enters the bloodstream and is found 48 hours later in various organs, including the liver, spleen, and ovaries.
Dr. Peter McCullough, an internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist, wrote on Twitter that the Swedish study’s findings have “enormous implications of permanent chromosomal change and long-term constitutive spike synthesis driving the pathogenesis of a whole new genre of chronic disease.”
ARMA BIOLÓGICA: 58 , 59 , 60 , 61 , 62 , 226 , 227 , 243 , 244 , 245 . Vacunas : Documentos 1 , 2 , 3 , 13 ,
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