Las tasas de mortalidad de COVID-19 aumentan en todo el mundo después de los lanzamientos de vacunas
Aumento también de la tasa de muertes por todas las causas desde que se implementaron las inyecciones Covid 19
Fuente: ■K.DOPP
■Investigación científica y médica, datos e informes compilados por K.Dopp, MS Mathematics“No hay justificación para quitar la libertad de las personas con el pretexto de la seguridad pública”. - Thomas Jefferson
Las tasas de mortalidad de COVID-19 aumentan en todo el mundo después de los lanzamientos de vacunas
23 de mayo de 2022. Los datos oficiales del Reino Unido muestran que los niños tienen hasta 303 veces más probabilidades de morir después de la vacunación contra el Covid-19 que los niños no vacunados y la ONS está tratando de ocultarlo
El informe de la semana 40 del Reino Unido reveló que las tasas de casos de Covid-19 por cada 100,000 personas fueron más altas entre la población completamente vacunada de 30 años o más.
Índice Covid de Walgreen [ver página 3]
Las muertes por covid en los hogares de ancianos de Australia fueron el doble después del lanzamiento de la vacuna en 2022 en comparación con todo 2020 . El últimoinforme del gobiernomuestra que los proveedores de atención a personas mayores han informado de 1.418 muertes por covid en lo que va de 2022, lo que representa aproximadamente una de cada cuatro muertes por covid en Australia. Eso eclipsa las 686 muertes en el cuidado de ancianos en 2020 y las 231 muertes en 2021.
Las vacunas contra el covid son consistentes con causar una alta tasa de exceso de muertes en Australia
25 de abril de 2022. Israel #Dosis de vacuna vs. Aumento del exceso de muertes . Fuente: Our World In Data Música solicitada por: @Jikkyleaks
24 de abril de 2022 Los informes oficiales del gobierno del Reino Unido demuestran que las personas totalmente vacunadas han estado sufriendo una mejora dependiente de anticuerpos desde el cambio de año . La ADE puede surgir de varias formas diferentes, pero la más conocida se conoce como la "vía del caballo de Troya". Esto ocurre cuando los anticuerpos no neutralizantes generados por una infección o vacunación pasada no logran cerrar el patógeno tras una nueva exposición.En cambio, actúan como una puerta de entrada al permitir que el virus ingrese y se replique en células que generalmente están fuera de los límites (generalmente células inmunitarias, como macrófagos). Eso, a su vez, puede conducir a una mayor diseminación de la enfermedad y respuestas inmunitarias hiperreactivas que causan una enfermedad más grave.
24 de abril de 2022 Los informes oficiales del gobierno del Reino Unido sugieren que los vacunados triples han estado desarrollando el síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida desde el cambio de año . El SIDA tiene muchas causas diferentes y, lamentablemente, parece que las inyecciones de Covid-19 deberían agregarse a la lista de causas, porque los datos oficiales del gobierno del Reino Unido. sugiere que la población triple vacunada en Inglaterra ha estado desarrollando la condición desde principios de 2022.
23 de abril de 2022. Nueva Zelanda: el 81 % de la cifra récord de muertes por Covid-19 en Nueva Zelanda durante el último mes se vacunó triple o doblemente
23 de abril de 2022. Australia muy afectada: los primeros 3,5 meses de 2022 han duplicado las muertes por COVID-19 de 2020 y 2021 combinados Recientemente, escribiendo para The Guardian , Donna Lu y Benita Kolovos informan que el doble de personas en Australia han muerto en 2022 que en 2020 y 2021 combinados, sin embargo, la mayoría de las personas se vacunaron contra el SARS-CoV-2 durante este período. ...También la prensa, como el informe del Sydney Morning Herald , destaca las infecciones emergentes y las hospitalizaciones asociadas....
Video del 22 de abril de 2022: GB News publica algunas estadísticas IMPACTANTES del Reino Unido . ¿Cómo es que esta información no está causando una gran tormenta?
22 de abril de 2022. Canadá: Las muertes por Covid-19 están aumentando en todo Canadá y los totalmente vacunados representan 4 de cada 5 de ellas
21 de abril de 2022. Australia: Totalmente vacunados representan 4 de cada 5 de la ola récord de muertes por Covid-19 en Australia
21 de abril de 2022. Escocia: Los datos oficiales del gobierno muestran un aumento del 73 % en el número de adultos jóvenes y adolescentes que sufren ataques cardíacos, miocarditis y accidentes cerebrovasculares desde el lanzamiento de la vacuna Covid-19
23 de abril de 2022. COVID Réquiem Aeternam. Por las almas que sufrieron el COVID, las intervenciones autoritarias del gobierno y las vacunas inseguras e ineficaces . De hecho, la tasa de mortalidad de COVID (muertes por millón por día promedio mundial) aumenta de 1,4 a 2,0 después de que comienzan las vacunaciones masivas, un aumento del 42%. ¡Malditos sean los confusores! ... En el 69% de los países que reportan mortalidad por todas las causas (70 de 101), el exceso de mortalidad acumulado es mayor después de los programas de vacunación contra el COVID. En la mayoría de los casos, hay más exceso de mortalidad después de los programas de vacunación que antes.
21 de abril de 2022. Historia de Tailandia sobre COVID-19, medicina y estudios de casos nacionales de pandemia de vacunación por Mathew Crawford. ... En general, durante el primer año de la pandemia, Tailandia se destacó por tener una de las tasas más bajas de enfermedad por COVID-19 entre todas las naciones, en particular las grandes, del mundo. ...El año siguiente al inicio del programa de vacunación vio alrededor de 300 veces más muertes por COVID-19 que el año anterior , con más de 27,000 muertes por COVID-19 reportadas hasta el 19 de abril de 2022 .
March 28, 2022. Episode 25: The Vaccine Fatality Rate - A Conversation with Dr. Spiro Pantazatos Columbia Researcher Spiro Pantazatos may have a reliable way of determining the "Vaccine Fatality Rate" or VFR. By relating all-cause mortality with vaccine administration across states, while controlling for prior year deaths and state-to-state variation in mortality due to other factors, Dr. Pantazatos determined that in a six month period in 2021, COVID injections killed between 150,000 to 180,000 Americans.
2 March 2022. Updated Cost/Benefit Analysis of Vaccine Fatality Rates versus Covid-19 Fatality Rates by Age Cohort
Cost/Benefit Analysis: Risks of COVID inoculation-induced "Vaccine" versus Risks of COVID-19
3 Jan 2022. Unprecedented: Deaths in Indiana, USA for ages 18-64 are up 40% Start by reading this story, “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64.” ... What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure? (Robert Malone) ...This [Indiana life insurance] article reads like a dry description of an avoidable mass casualty event caused by a mandated experimental medical procedure. One for which all opportunities for the victims to have become self-informed about the potential risks have been methodically
sed from both the internet and public awareness by an international corrupt cabal operating under the flag of the “Trusted News Initiative”. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”
COVID-19 vaccines are not preventing COVID-19 deaths. As of December 24, 2021, COVID-19 death rates following vaccine rollouts are higher in 75% of the 166 countries for which I obtained vaccination rollout dates and COVID death rates. COVID-19 vaccine rollouts have increased and not slowed the rate of serious COVID-19 disease or COVID-19 deaths caused by SARS-CoV-2 viral variants. Another pictures the COVID vaccinated need to see.
In the United States, COVID-19 Vaccines have the highest reported post vaccine death rate of any vaccine in history in the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS).[1] The US has seen an all-cause mortality rise of 41% in all-cause mortality in 2021 since COVID vaccine rollouts began.
41% Increase in US all-cause mortality in 2021 since COVID vaccine rollout
COVID-19 mRNA and DNA-vector vaccines create antibodies surrounding internal organs by having the body create trillions of synthetic spike proteins similar to the original SARS-CoV-2 variant. As shown in the Israeli and UK and other data, the current COVID-19 spike protein vaccines provide no protection against infectiousness, symptomatic illness, hospitalization or death with the current immune-escape Delta variant. Insufficient nasal and oral mucosal immunity against the Delta variant is created by current COVID-19 vaccine injections, so the vaccinated spread the Delta virus and carry viral loads 251 times higher than the previous Alpha variants in nasal and oral cavities.[3][4]
Vaccine Rollouts worldwide are associated with increases in COVID deaths
Delta variant prevalence (seen as a green line in charts below) is recorded to occur in vaccinated and unvaccinated hospitalized COVID-19 patients roughly four (4) months after initial COVID-19 vaccine roll-out dates due to vaccine-induced selective pressure.[5] As seen in both Israel and the UK data, vaccination rollouts coincide with larger weekly rates of reported COVID-19 deaths per million than occurred during the 2020 COVID-9 pandemic period. During the beginning of vaccine rollouts there are all-cause mortality rises in deaths of the elderly. Israeli’s more numerous booster doses produced another COVID-19 death rate increase after July 21.
A large increase in all-cause mortality occurred in persons 65 years and older in Southern United States at the beginning of COVID-19 vaccine rollouts. In the United States, all-cause mortality for 24 to 64 year-olds is higher in 2021 than in 2020, concomitant with COVID-19 mRNA and vector-DNA vaccine rollouts.
In two of the most vaccinated countries in the world, the UK and Israel there were high all-cause mortality of males aged 65 to 74 years old associated with COVID-19 vaccine rollout and booster shot rollout.
Worldwide Data Show COVID-19 Vaccines are Associated with Increased Risk of COVID-19 Deaths
We collected COVID-19 deaths per million data from Our World in Data[1] and collected COVID-19 vaccine rollout dates and number of doses per 100 people from Covid vaccines: How fast is progress around the world? The Visual and Data Journalism Team BBC News[2] and analyzed it using R programming language. We generated scatterplots comparing the COVID-19 death rates prior to and post COVID-19 vaccine roll-out dates in each country. Each country in the scatterplot is randomly assigned a color and the size of the text increases with the number of vaccine doses per hundred individuals. The regression line of the data set in addition to the line with slope 1 that passes through the origin (y=x) to make it easy to see that countries plotted above this 45 degree line have a higher COVID-19 death rates after COVID-19 vaccine rollouts; and countries plotted below this 45 degree line have lower COVID-19 death rates post COVID-19 vaccine rollouts .1
The plot above shows COVID-19 death rates per million persons both before and after COVID-19 vaccine roll-out dates for 17 different COVID-19 vaccines in 178 countries, as of October 10, 2021. It includes 10 months of data pre-rollouts and at most 9.5 months post-rollouts, depending on the begin date of country COVID-19 vaccine rollout. COVID-19 deaths per million were obtained from Our World in Data.[3] COVID-19 vaccine rollout dates and number of doses per 100 people were collected from Covid vaccines: How fast is progress around the world?[4] and plotted using the R programming language. Each country in the plot is represented by a dot, randomly assigned a color. The size of its country name increases with its number of vaccine doses per hundred persons. The regression line shows the overall relationship of COVID-19 Death rates pre and post vaccination rollouts for these countries. The line with slope one (1) passing through the origin (y=x) is shown to make it easy-to-see countries plotted above this 45-degree line have higher COVID-19 death rates after vaccination roll-outs; and countries plotted below the 45-degree line have lower COVID-19 death rates after vaccine roll-outs.1 Overall, it can be visually seen that COVID-19 vaccines do not lower COVID-19 death rates, and, in fact, are associated with increased COVID-19 death rates in 70% of the 178 countries plotted.
Many countries having relatively small pre- and post-vaccination rollout COVID-19 death rates cannot be seen in this plot of 178 countries, so the next plot shows just the lower corner of the plot for countries having less than 50 COVID-19 deaths both before and after COVID-19 vaccination rollout.
Some countries having lower COVID-19 death rates post vaccine rollout as of October 10, 2021, have already moved up to the 45 degree line and have an equally large COVID-19 death rate today as before their vaccine rollout. For example, on October 10th, the date of the data pictured above, Australia had a lower COVID-19 death rate of 21.4 per million post-COVID-19 vaccination rollout than its initial rate of 35.25 before. However, by October 28th, Australia’s post vaccine rollout reported COVID-19 death rate rose a rate of 30.26 COVID-19 deaths per million since its vaccine rollout began on February 21, 2021, almost equal to before it began COVID vaccinations with mRNA and vector DNA vaccines. Because Australia did not begin its vaccination rollout until end of the 3rd week in February, the comparison is for a shorter time period post-vaccine-roll-out. Thus, Australia’s post-vaccine rollout COVID-19 deaths per million per month is actually higher now than its pre-vaccination period and has moved almost to the line.
There are many possible mathematical explanations or theories that could be tested statistically, for why some countries have been able to keep their COVID-19 death rates lower than the world’s average world’s rate of 635.6 per million as of October 28th. Perhaps countries having lower COVID-19 death rates post-vaccine rollout have vaccinated fewer persons; or are using more traditional, less dangerous vaccines; or are making early, effective treatments available such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin that are being used in countries reporting very low COVID-19 death rates such as China, Nicaragua, and the Congo.
CONCLUSION: COVID-19 vaccinations are not associated with decreases in COVID-19 death rates and, thus, do not reduce serious hospitalized COVID-19 case rates. Overall, numerical data show COVID-19 vaccine rollout are associated with increased COVID-19 illnesses and deaths.
By Kathy Dopp2 MS Mathematics
Scatterplots created in R and contributed by Dr. Jessica Rose, Institute of Pure and Applied Knowledge, Public Health Policy Initiative (PHPI)
[4] Por el Equipo de Periodismo Visual y de Datos de BBC News
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